Michael L. Ross is a professor in the Department of Political Science and the Institute of the Environment and Sustainability at UCLA. He has held visiting positions at Oxford University and the World Bank. His CV is here.

Ross has published widely on the politics of climate change, natural resources, oil-exporting countries, and democracy. He is also the founding editor of the Cambridge University Press book series, "The Politics of Climate Change," a co-founder of the Project on Resources and Governance and the Political Economy of Climate and the Environment conference, a member of the editorial boards of World Politics and Comparative Political Studies, and a Non-resident Fellow at the Center for Global Development. Ross has served on advisory boards for the World Bank, the United Nations, the US Interior Department, the Social Science Research Council, the Natural Resources Governance Institute, and the Payne Institute.

He has received the Heinz Eulau Award from the American Political Science Association, the Paul Sabatier Award from the APSA Science, Technology, and Environmental Politics section, and the Al Moumin Award for Thought Leadership in Environmental Peacebuilding. Ross’s 2012 book, The Oil Curse: How Petroleum Wealth Shapes the Development of Nations, has been translated into Arabic, Russian, Portuguese, Japanese, and Kurdish.